Thursday, March 02, 2006

Last TWL1, First TWL2

My last post was about the last TWL1 tournament. Officially, it still is the last NSA listed tournament. But during then, it was announced that the Palo Alto club will hold a club tournament. Last day of TWL1 on February 28, and first day of TWL2 on March 1. Could not pass up on that!

Had a great time! I am seeded 6th in this group.

February 28, 2006

Game 1:
Opponent: Mitch Bayersdorfer, rated 1575, seeded 2nd

Wow! I am playing with a 600+ rating differential!! Not unexpected. He bingoed with NORMALs first, which I replied with ZoNE with the Z on a double letter and E on the triple word for 66 points. The board closed up then, but he hooked through my P to bingo with S(P)RINTED. TINDERS would have no place to go, if not for my P. Lost 2 turns because of S hooks that were no good, ILKAS* and PIUS*. Sigh….. Not much else to say, but got thrashed 311-453.

Game 2:
Opponent: Jeremy Hall, rated 776, seeded 7th

This was a close fight till towards the end. I bingoed with NEROLIS. He tried RETHREw*/(VAU)R* for his last rack, but I challenged them off. He might have won if that was good. Won 397-307.

Game 3:
Opponent: Richard Stein, rated 1561, seeded 4th

My first triple-triple in a tournament!!! My opponent played DANGED, and I laid down MIN(D)lESs, having 2 blanks (to make L and S). 131 points!!! Sweet…. Had another bingo NASTIER (with RETINAS, the possibilities are great!!!) for 82 points. My opponent probably had bad tiles or bad balance. But to beat a 1,500+ player!! Nice feeling. Won 413-316

March 1, 2006

Game 4:
Opponent: Felix Kwok, rated 1570, seeded 3rd

Another 1,500+ opponent…. I got to bingo late in the game with SOARINg across the right centre triple word for 80 points. My opponent probably had bad tiles too. Won this 375-314. I think my ratings may improve well this time, having won against much higher rated players.

Game 5:
Opponent: Paula Catalanese, rated 1353, seeded 5th

My luck turned. I had nice tiles, but in wrong combinations. And I played DA#!!!! Again!!! Lost that to a challenge, of course. I lost this game 273-397. Ouch. But congratulations to Paula, coz she won 5 of 6 games to win the overall tournament.

Game 6:
Opponent: Richard Stein, rated 1561, seeded 4th

Richard is out for revenge for his lost yesterday!! I had crappy tiles too. I had RAIS? and I could not draw to bingo for a few rounds!!! Drew ID, GA, FA, which I played off. Drew IT and got AIRIeST, but was not sure I could play AIT (front hook to IT), which was a good word. Passed on that. Threw an I for just 2 points to draw an S, to play SAtIRES for a meastly 61 points. Richard played well. No bingos but scored consistently while I fished…. Lost 252-416…. Sigh…..

But overall, this tournament was fun!! I played the new allowable words such as QI, OI and VID (which were good OSW words before anyway) and a new word NEG.

Looking forward to more games!

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