Tuesday, July 29, 2008

National Scrabble Championship 2008 - Day 3

Today was a terrible day to play….

Game 15: Against Terry Aitken, it was a disaster for me. I changed three racks (AEEIIOU, AAAEIUV, DLNSVVW) and played words of no consequence. Meanwhile, Terry started with SIX (35) and continued to score with MOZO (44), SOLAR hooked to MOZO (35), CAJoNE(S) (36), JEAN (30). Lost badly 282-362.

Game 16: Against Betzy Collins, second disaster of the day. Again, no words of consequence for me. Meanwhile, Betzy had GAUNTEr (65), TAX (39), ZITS (39), RAZEE (30), JURA (27) and finally a bingo of RO(C)KeTER (64), which I challenged unsuccessfully. I was thinking about the movie Rocketeer, so I thought another E was required. Sigh…. Lost 259-453.

Game 17: Against Keith Nishimi, my third disaster of the day. I only had FEZ (35), and played a British only word TENE# that he challenged off. Meanwhile, he ran with the game GENE (34) on the same spot I played TENE, JAMBE (50) and a bingo which I forgot to record (66). Lost badly at 250-416.

Game 18: Against Conchita Deprospo, my fourth disaster in a row. I had one very good play of Jo(K)ES (62) on B10, with J on triple-letter, leading to the double-word, and later on had AZO (31). Meanwhile, she consistently scored and bingoed as well with AnNUALS (62). Lost 285-375.

I got so frustrated, so I went off to get a good lunch at Tchoup Chop, a Hawaiian/Asian fusion restaurant in the hotel. Very good fish! And I think after filling myself up with some good food and ice-cream for dessert, my game turned for the better.

Game 19: Against Martin Rosen, I played as best as I could. I bingoed midgame with RE(A)GENTS (70) and had JAMBE (32), HATH (29), ADZ (33) and TWAIN (36). Martin bingoed with PANSIES (70), and FAX (39). It was pretty even midgame. But I got lucky with (L)IQUID (78) on J1, with the Q on double-letter towards the triple-word. This helped me pull ahead far enough to get ahead as I knew with a S and a blank in Martin’s rack, he could bingo at end-game, which he did with INTeNSE (76). Won 411-359.

Game 20: Against Esla Ewida, I bingoed with ReGIONS (73), played JINS (44) and scored consistently well through the game. Esla had SIZE (37), QUINT (45) and scored well overall too. Won 341-318.

Game 21: Against Joan Haworth, my lucky streak continued. I bingoed with NAILERS (64) and RETA(C)KLE (65). Also scored with SUQ (46), JAWED (32), BLUEY (31) and CRUDE (30). She had GOX (34), FIZ (30) and WEIGH (32). Won 429-318.

Ended third day with 3W-4L, three days in a row. Now at 9W-12L. Hope tomorrow my luck continues!!

p/s: Nigel Richards ended Day 3 in 2nd place, with 16W-5L. David Cappelleto is 1st place with 17W-4L. It will be a close one!

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